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We live in this planet since time immemorial, a tiny dot in an ocean of darkness. All the people we know and love live here. Here are our dreams and our disappointments. This planet is our country; this planet is us. In this planet we live as our ancestors did. This land belongs to all religions, faiths and their representatives, teachers of ethics, fair men, people who create but also people who destroy. Some people whose only goal is ending up with the civilization. Corrupt people who do not respect the essence of the human being and whose desire is their enrichment based on the death of others. War lords turned this planet into a theatre where they represent a terrible play in which the death is the main character. A play in which blood flows as rivers and floods the corpses of its innocent victims. Why is this happening? Why this willingness to kill each other it is so uncontrollable? I know that nobody will come to help us in case of a hecatomb; a savior will not come from another planet to rid us of ourselves. There is no place for us to flee or to emigrate to. Why do not we treat ourselves with love and respect? Why do not we build rather than destroy? Why is the human being so selfish? This planet is our homeland. This planet is us, and we are killing it. Why do not we unite our voices against those doers of death? A unique voice that defends the right of a dignified, safe and peaceful life. A unique voice that raises against destruction, death, torture and exiles caused by wars. No one wants to be forced to leave behind his family or friends. No one wants to leave his land, the place of his childhood or deprive his children of it.
(Con ilustraciones a color y texto a varios idiomas).
Malak S. Soufi?s introduction 5 Norberto Silva Itza?s introduction 7 Yuri Zambrano?s introduction 11 Abdul H. Sadoun, Iraq 14 ahsadoun@hotmail.com Alex Cetateanu, Romania romwriters@gmail.com 16 Ahmad Mayouf, Libya 18 mais_250196@yahoo.com Adnan Gul, Turkey 20 gul93@mynet.com Atef Abdel Aziz, Egypt 22 atef17@ymail.com Translated by Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim Ahmed Zaabar, Tunisia 24 ahmed.omar.zaabar@gmail.com Amir Darwish, United Kingdom-Syria amirdarwish32@gmail.com 26 Andriana Shati, Cyprus 28 Aram Karabet, Syria 30 hadad_kiven@hotmail.com Ali Al Hazmi, Saudi Arabia ali-alhazmi@hotmail.com 32 Asror Allayarov, Uzbekistan asrorallayarov@gmail.com 34 Aydan Yalçin, Turkey aydanyalcin06@gmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 36 Ayten Mutlu, Turkey mutluaytenpoetry@hotmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 38 Baki Ayhan, Turkey bakiayhant@gmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 40 Bárbara Oaxaca, Mexico 42 Bernabé Laye, Benin www.bernabelaye.com Translated by Cornelius Crowley 44 Bedros Da?l?yan, Turkey Translated by Hilal Karahan 46 Bernardo Álvarez, Perú cactusberal@hotmail.com 48 Bircan Çelik, Turkey brcncelik@hotmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 50 195 Carmen Vascones, Ecuador carmenvascones.worpress.com 52 Translated by Alexis Levitin Clara Schoenborn, Colombia www.loqueledijealpapel.blogspot.com 54 Caroline Nazareno, Philippines saga.ccnbond@gmail.com 56 Clarissa Macedo, Brazil poesiaworldfest@gmail.com 58 Damir Sodan, Croatia dsodan@hotmail.com translated by Majda Bako?evi? 60 Divna Nikolic, Serbia www.arteniko.com nikodim27@gmail.com 62 D. Santosh Alex, India 64 drsantoshalex@gmail.com Ertu?rul Özüayd?n, Turkey ertugrulozuaydin@yahoo.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 66 Etzik Shahar, Israel https://goo.gl/zPEHdP 68 Fatma Nazzal, Palestine fatmanazzal89@gmail.com 70 Fethi Sassi, Tunisia sassifethi1962@hotmail.com 72 Furat Esbir, Syria www.facebook.com/furat.esbir 74 Gerardo Burton, Argentina www.lacebolladevidrio.blogspot.com geburt@gmail.com 76 Ghazal Ghazi, Iran ghazighazal@gmail.com 78 Gihan Omar, Egypt gihano2004@gmil.com Translated by Nermin Nizar 80 Gilberto Carballosa, Cuba 82 Gladys Lopez Pianesi, Argentina gladyslopezpianesi@gmail.com 84 Hamdan Dammag, Yemen dammagh@hotmail.com 86 Hilal Karahan, Turkey hilalkarahan108@gmail.com 88 Hasan Erkek, Turkey hasanerkek2012@gmail.com Translated by Tar?k Günersel 90 Ilhan Kemal, Turkey ilhankemal1@gmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 92 Ilsa E. Garcia, Puerto Rico scorpio_pachu@hotmail.com 94 197 Irma Nélida, Argentina manianadeotonio@hotmail.com.ar Translated by Daniel Abelenda 96 Isabel Guerrero, Chile http://poesiaworldfest.wix.com/wfp11 98 Jennifer Lin, Taiwan 100 José Hilton Rosa, Brazil www.josehiltonrosa.recantodasletras.com.br joiltonrosa@yahoo.com.br 102 José Sarriá, Spain www.josesarria.com Translated by Rafael Luna Castro 104 Josep Lleixá, Catalunya www.ona-latorre.cat Translated by Luz María López 106 Karen Melander-Magoon, United States http://karenmm.com/ 108 Khairi Hamdan, Bulgaria khairi.hamdan@gmail.com Translated by Nizar Sartawi 110 Liliana Quinto, Perú 112 Luciano Puentes, Cuba lucianopuentes@gmail.com 114 Luz María López, Puerto Rico luzmlopez@gmail.com 116 Mahnaz Badihian, Iran badihian@gmail.com 118 Mai V?n Ph?n, Vietnam maivanphan.net maivanphan@gmail.com 120 Malak S. Soufi, Syria-Spain malyltd@gmail.com, www.inhrd.net Translated by Ali Salim 122 Marcella Polain, Australia m.polain@ecu.edu.au 124 Maria Miraglia, Italy maria.a.miraglia@gmail.com 126 Marian Eikelhof, The Netherlands facebook.com/marian.eikelhof 128 Mariano Morales, México sintesis2@yahoo.com.mx http://www.marianomorales.net/ 130 Mario Cholette, France mariocho@videotron.ca Translated by Gabriel Cholette 132 Marwan Ali, Syria alimarwan@hotmail.com 134 Marytere Caracas, Mexico maryterecaracaspoesia.blogspot.com.es 136 Mehmed Begic, Bosnia okf-cetinje.org/mehmed-begic-poezija translated by Damir ?odan 138 199 Merce Amat, Catalunya nuvol.com/tag/merce-amat-ballester 140 Metin Cegniz, Turkey metcengiz@gmail.com Translated by Müesser Yeniay 142 Mike Williams, Australia wilpol1948@gmail.com 144 Milica Jeftimijevi?, Serbia milicalil@yahoo.com Translated by Lazar Macura 146 Muesser Yeniay, Turkey muesser@bilkent.edu.tr 148 Muhammad Shanazar, Pakistan mshanazar@gmail.com 150 Nasser Haidari, Sweden nssrhaidari@gmail.com 152 Nevin Koço?lu, Turkey facebook.com/Nevin-Koço?lu Translated by Hilal Karahan 154 Norberto Silva Itza, Uruguay-Italy associazionegrecam.blogspot.com grecam@grecam.it 156 Patricia Temple, Perú fiplima.com/en/poet/temple 158 Pavol Janik, Slovakia http://pavoljanik.sk 160 Rachel Madar, Israel rachelim@tzafonet.org.il Translated by Gili Haimovich 162 Rajendra Bhandari, India mail2rpb@gmail.com 164 Roberto Bianchi, Uruguay abracecultura@gmail.com Translated by Daniel Abelenda 166 Roula Pollard, Greece www.poemhunter.com/roula-pollard/ 168 Santosh Bakaya, India facebook.com/santoshbakayamagazine 170 Simón Zavala Guzmán, Ecuador simonzaval@gmail.com 172 Tom Phillips, United Kingdom t.phillips18@btinternet.com 174 Tze-Min Tsai, Taiwan facebook.com/tzemintsai 176 Victoria Servidio, Argentina victoriaservidio@yahoo.com.ar Translated by Mónica Brunello 178 W. B. Bayr?l, Turkey bbayril@gmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 180 Wang Ching-Hui, Taiwan chinghuiponyo@gmail.com 182 201 Yuri Zambrano, México http://fiplima.com/en/poeta/zambrano 184 Zaher Kayali, Syria zahersamar1966@gmail.com 186 Zeki Karaaslan, Turkey zekikaraaslan@gmail.com Translated by Hilal Karahan 188 Zingonia Zingone, Italy facebook.com/zingonia 190